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Question & Answer

Asked by - BookQueen422


How did you find out about Keeper of the Lost Cities?


It started with a school book fair. I am a COMPLETE book nerd, and had piled a bunch of books to buy. When I got in line to pay, Book 1 of KOTLC caught my eyes. I quickly grabbed it and bought it too. 


When I finished it, I was absolutely OBSESSED. I bought the rest of the books immediately. I was already on Wattpad, so I made an account and started KOTLC writing stories!

Asked by - pink_shadow27.


1) What is your favorite desert?


Ice-cream. My favorite flavors are mango, strawberry, and vanilla.


2) What is your favorite color? Why?


Purple and ice-blue. I really like purple because it is the color if happy on a mood ring and pretty sure you all know know ice-blue (hint KOTLC fans).


3) Do you have any animals?

Nope, I'm allergic.


4) What is your favorite quote?


*Unlocked Spoilers*


"You mean a lot to me, Foster. More than you'll ever know." - Keefe Sencen, Unlocked


5) If you watch Youtube, what it your favorite YouTuber?


Mak & Chyss Keepers


6) What do you love most about Wattpad?


I really like the stories and the how nice the people are.


7) What do you love most about KOTLC?


I love the characters and plots. I hate the cliffhangers.

Asked by - SophieVi345


1) Where do you live? 


In my house. Where else would I live?


2) What is your favorite class?


My favorite classes are math, art, music, and PE


3) Do you have any siblings or pets? If you do, then how many?


I am allergic to dogs and don't like any other animals, so no pets. I do have a sister who is 23. Her name is Brittany. 

Asked by - pink_shadow27


*Warning: Swearing. Like, a LOT of it.*


If Dora the explorer is such an explorer, then why does she ask us where everything is? 


Because Dora is a fucking dumbass bitch who doesn't know that she is a asshole.

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